Rebranded company offers a family of point-of-care communication resources
Earlier this year, Healthy Advice Networks (Cincinnati, OH) acquired PatientPoint, a business that had developed an “electronic check-in” system for patients to use when visiting the doctor’s office (and which now runs on the Apple iPad platform). Now, in something of a David-defeats-Goliath move, the acquirer is taking the name PatientPoint. Aside from the resonance of each name, the change signifies the importance of EHR integration (which PatientPoint provides) to the in-office television and news feeds that Healthy Advice has been offering to more than 55,000 physicians nationally. “The combined products of our new company offer an unparalleled ability to drive continuous patient and physician engagement along the entire continuum of care—pre-visit, at the point of care and post-visit,” says Tom McGuinness, CEO of the company.
Healthy Advice has had wall-mounted digital screens in the doctor's waiting rooms, in the practices's clinical area, as well as print brochures providing dedicated patient and physician education and programming. PatientPoint’s check-in system enables the patients to connect themselves to their healthcare provider (and, ultimately, their payers). Raj Toleti, founder of the original PatientPoint, says that current connectivity development includes linking actual prescription information from Walgreens to patient records as a means of addressing gaps in care.