A changed look but not a changed direction
It’s worth noting that the National Assn. of Boards of Pharmacy has adopted a new logo, if only because accreditation seals that it provides—Verified Authorized Wholesaler-Distributor (VAWD), Verified Internet Pharmacy Practice Sites (VIPPS) and others—are so important to drug distribution in the US generally. NABP’s new look (see illustration) is not, apparently, accompanied by any major change in direction or administration; the association says simply that after 50+ years with the former logo, it was time for a “modern” look and feel.
For the record, the new logo incorporates “the serpent, representing the practice of medicine in Greek mythology, the Bowl of Hygeia, representing good health and safety, and the Rod of Asclepius, which anchors the symbol by representing compliance and authority.”
NABP’s VAWD and VIPPS, together with its ongoing management of the “dot-Pharmacy” internet domain, set significant high bars for various organizations in the pharma supply chain; the organization has long campaigned against counterfeit medicine, and questionable-to-illegal online pharmacy activity. Last spring, it joined dozens of other health and professional societies in objecting to drug importation.