New services focus on handling long term care market and customizable marketing support
A record 5,300 pharmacists attended the company’s annual tradeshow (Denver, July 22-26)for independent pharmacies, a sector where the Big Three wholesalers compete for attracting clients and boosting distribution volumes. Cardinal unveiled what it says is a first-of-its-kind custom marketing support program, specialized services for helping independents serve long-term care (LTC) customers, and enhancements of its support and IT tools.
The custom program assists independents in marketing their own store (as opposed to a franchise or franchise-like network, under one brand name, which each of the Big Three also supports) and includes website templates, in-store radio and signage, and outbound calling services, along with marketing research and consulting. The LTC program, called the Long Term Care Specialized Care Center, coordinates services from the American Soc. of Consultant Pharmacies (a professional group that specializes in LTC) and provides business consulting services. That program is an addition to previously announced Specialty Care Centers for diabetes, home healthcare, and immunizations.
Cardinal is also adding new enhancements to its online ordering system, now called Order Express; an automated inventory-management system; and Source Generics, a streamlined pricing and ordering system for generics, including next-day distribution of newly launched generics.