Looking for the 'golden record' of physician demographics
The business of providing accurate, time-sensitive information on prescriber identities, locations and affiliations is popping these days, as pharma companies work through the requirements of the Physicians Sunshine Act, which will mandate public release of pharma spending on individual physicians. Multiple vendors provide this service, including the American Medical Assn. itself; and master data management (MDM) was a key element of the recently announced $520-million acquisition of parts of Cegedim by IMS Health.
Now, LexisNexis Risk Solutions (Atlanta) is newly leveraging its data assets to provide MDM and related services to pharma clients. The company had acquired Enclarity, an MDM provider, nearly a year ago; it also acquired companies with access to medical claims data. These assets are being merged with other LexisNexis Risk Solutions services, such as for insurance claims or financial services, according to Warren Gouk, an SVP for healthcare at the company. The result: 6.5 million records of healthcare providers, with upwards of 125 data fields for each record. Gouk adds that, with access to 70% of all medical claims in the US (generated through a “data co-op” it manages for leading insurance companies), it can provide a better and more accurate view of not only HCP identities, but also their healthcare practices. “Lots of database vendors can tell you where the orthopedists are,” he says, “we can tell you which specialize in ankles, knees or shoulders.”
Another boast of the LexisNexis service is “zero latency” in the records. “Depending on the state and the affiliation data desired, it can take upwards of six months for a new affiliation to be known to regulatory authorities,” he says. “This can have a dramatic effect on how well things like sample distribution under PDMA are managed.” Lexis/Nexis’ zero latency means that a changed status today will show up in its databases tomorrow, he claims.