Lozenges, powders, chewable or effervescent versions should be considered, says Hermes Pharma
Up to 55% of consumers express some difficulty in swallowing tablets or capsules—the most common form of drug ingestions—according to a survey sponsored by Hermes Pharma (Pullach, Germany), a company that develops oral-solid formulations. While the study sponsor’s interest is obvious, it commissioned a third-party surveying firm, Spiegel Institut Mannheim, to conduct the poll of 1,000 US and German consumers, balanced for demographics. The survey did not distringuish between prescription and OTC products.
According to Hermes, younger adults (16-34 years) expressed even more dissatisfaction with oral solids than the elderly (65 or older), by a 70%-44% margin—a surprising result, given the difficulty that some seniors have with swallowing. Instant drinks and chewable tablets were preferred formulations for parents tending to their children’s needs. Additionally, upwards of 8% of patients say that difficulties in swallowing pills or capsules affects their adherence to therapy.
Hermes‘ conclusions: