J. Knipper heads CBI conference on sampling management

Pharmaceutical CommercePharmaceutical Commerce - March/April 2016

The anatomy of an optimized sampling supply chain

J. Knipper and Co. (Lakewood, NJ), the leading provider of drug sampling services in the US, is the executive sponsor of the upcoming “Rx Samples Management and Logistics Summit,” organized by Center for Business Intelligence on April 19—20 in Philadelphia, PA. The meeting is co-located with another CBI event, “Engaging in Communication with NPs and PAs,” and the two meetings will have shared sessions for part of the agenda.

Detailing and sampling remain a staple of most brand strategies and is often considered to account for upwards of 50% or more of a brand’s promotional budget, notes Steve Gransden, chair of the meeting and marketing manager at Knipper. “It stands to reason that even moderate gains in the efficiencies of a brand’s sampling operation can often provide a very significant return.”

Topics covered during the meeting will include the convergence of marketing toward HCPs and patients; the anatomy of an optimized sampling supply chain; eliminating gaps in a brand’s “circle of influence;” sampling at the mid-levels of health systems; and generating efficiencies while meeting sample-accountability requirements. Speakers representing such companies as Sanofi, Novo Nordisk, Boehringer Ingelheim, Daiichi Sankyo, J&J Ethicon and UPS will be on the agenda.

More details are available at www.cbinet.com/conference/pc16118.

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